This is a serious medical emergency! The very first thing is to wash your cat very, very, very, very, very well. Use a regular, non-medicated shampoo or Dawn dish soap, it does not have to be a pet specific product and time is of the essence, that is what...
What you have astutely figured out is that many seizures start in the intestines – the intestines are considered our second brain as they have the same chemicals (neurotransmitters) as our official brain. So, chemical problems in the intestines can travel by the...
For any dog owner who witnesses this behavior – it brings on feelings of pure disgust for a most beloved dog. Then the next emotional concern is whether or not the owner has done something wrong. Rest assured, this is not case. Dogs who eat their own stool are...
Yes and no. It depends on several things which is why it’s good to call the veterinarian’s office first and at least touch base. Most medications are dosed by weight, so first, you have to make sure you are giving the right dose. It’s not always as...
You are absolutely right – some dogs really do know how to hide pain! Here are some signs: slow to get up, starting to get a bit grumpy if touched a certain way, a tinge of blue or purple color on the tongue, an incomplete shake. The first two are pretty simple...
My first question would be if your cat vomits watery fluid shortly after she drinks water? If that is the case then she is drinking too fast and the water is not even going into her stomach before she regurgitates it back up. Sometimes this happens because the water...