The Biggest Myth About Dogs: Dogs are Supposed to Shed Year Round.

The Biggest Myth About Dogs: Dogs are Supposed to Shed Year Round.

How many times have you been told “my dog is a (fill in the blank), that’s why he sheds all year long?” Regardless of whether your dog is a Labrador, a Husky, or a Terrier, shedding is only supposed to occur twice a year when they change coats. This occurs when the...
My New Kitten has Bloody Diarrhea – What Could it Be?

My New Kitten has Bloody Diarrhea – What Could it Be?

The answer depends on what has already been done. Has your kitten been dewormed? If not, you might get that done with a dewormer that gets hook, whip, and round worms. Most dewormers at the pet store only deworm against roundworms. Did you just change your kitten’s...

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