Veterinarian Recommending Tooth Extraction for Your Cat?

Are you considering, or is your veterinarian recommending, removing all — or even some — of your cat’s teeth? . It’s one thing if the teeth are rotten and infected (that’s bad oral hygiene). It’s something else when they are calling it “resorptive lesions” and wanting...


No matter how much you love your pet, there is always that back and forth in your head about “whether or not” to take your furry friend to the vet.   You consider many things in these moments; not the least of which is time off from work, expense, and — of course —...

What Should I Do For My Dog’s Scab

I think sometimes people get frustrated with me because I don’t answer their direct question about a scab they notice on their dog. That’s because I have answer the question that led to the question. =) Let me explain.  x So, with anything having to do with scabs, we...
Gunny Has a Bellyache

Gunny Has a Bellyache

Whoa! Gunny here. Woke up this morning with quite a tummy ache. The noises my belly was making were enough to wake up my human family! They let me outside. I immediately started eating grass. Then brought me back inside. Boy. I just couldn’t get a handle on that...
How Dogs Are Like Cars

How Dogs Are Like Cars

Have you watched the movie “The Art of Racing in the Rain“? Since I can’t read words, the best I can do is watch movies with my family. I love that movie! Enzo is my hero – there’s a dog who understands how things work. I, like Enzo, really only have gestures, so I do...
Gunny Talks Fleas

Gunny Talks Fleas

Being a dog, and being one who has had his day running the streets, it should come as no surprise to you that I’ve dealt with my share of fleas. I get it, I get it! I understand why you humans don’t want us dogs to have fleas. Trust me when I say we dogs really would...

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