Certainly, it’s really convenient! Free. Always available. Easy to access. And consistent. We’ve all been using it (Google) for decades now. . But before you go taking the advice of Dr. Google as the “be all and end all,” (you know, gospel; correct; accurate;...
You may have even heard these lies from your veterinarian, although it wouldn’t really be their fault. The grooming industry has worked very hard to perpetuate these lies, going all the way back to the 1960s. And once “they” got all of us on the same page saying the...
I think sometimes people get frustrated with me because I don’t answer their direct question about a scab they notice on their dog. That’s because I have answer the question that led to the question. =) Let me explain. x So, with anything having to do with scabs, we...
I recently saw an ad asking for humans willing to eat pet food as pet food tasters. While I have no idea how serious the ad was, it made me think about how many pet parents would ever consider eating the pet food they feed their beloved four-leggeds. Most, of course,...
This post is to help people figure out when they need to change their food and when they need to to look for another culprit of the problem. What kind of problems are we talking about? Most commonly: itchiness, maybe even hot spots, ear infections, diarrhea or...
Yes. I have a lot to be grateful for. I’m a very lucky dog. But there are some things that yank my chain. An, you know me… I’m not going to let it go until I get it off my chest. My goal is not to rain on your Thanksgiving day parade. But there are some things worth...
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