Picking out toys for your cat can be more complicated than it seems! If you’ve ever glanced at the packaging, you’ve probably noticed how every product claims to be top-notch. Whether it’s “premium fabric” or “high-quality catnip,” it’s designed to convince you that it’s the best thing for your cat.
I recently had a client who was determined to find something her cats would enjoy chewing on—and she got pulled into some clever marketing. The treat company convinced her that their product was natural, made with only food-grade ingredients. Sounds great, right? But her cats wouldn’t even touch it.
The original goal of my client was to find something to help clean their cats’ teeth, but once again, this is just clever marketing. Here’s a fun experiment for you to help prove my point: For the next six months, try eating only hard, crunchy food—and don’t brush your teeth, since most of us don’t brush our cats’ teeth. This should give you an idea of whether chewing on dry food or hard toys really cleans teeth.
Spoiler: it doesn’t.
Most of this is just marketing misinformation, misleading us into thinking there are simple solutions for cleaning our cats’ teeth. While there are ways to help, it requires a proactive approach—starting when your cat is young. For many of us, we didn’t know about things like brushing with coconut oil when our cats were babies.
I applaud pet owners who are trying to find natural ways to care for their cats, but remember: the term “natural” isn’t regulated. In fact, “natural” doesn’t always mean healthy. After all, poop is natural, but that’s not going to clean anyone’s teeth!
The key is finding something truly healthy—and that’s not always as easy as it sounds.