No matter how much you love your pet, there is always that back and forth in your head about “whether or not” to take your furry friend to the vet.   You consider many things in these moments; not the least of which is time off from work, expense, and — of course — the inconvenience of waiting to be seen.

Still, you’re willing to do what you have to do to make your pet healthy and happy.  As you consider whether or not to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian, or even to schedule some time with me (I see pets virtually and in person.) here is one symptom you do NOT want to ignore:
Itchy skin.
Remember, your pet can’t speak… so when you see your pet licking and biting, you really want to pay attention.

The question I get often is, “How much is too much licking, biting or scratching?”
ANY of these behaviors, if they are happening consistently, is cause for concern, but if you notice any of the following, calling our office for an appointment (virtual or otherwise) should be a priority:
  • you can see that their skin is pink or red under the place they are licking or scratching.
  • they or their feet smell like Doritos.
  • you notice that their fur is staying WET in one or more spots due to licking so consistently.
  • you tell them to STOP licking and they keep going back to it.
Is this a life-threatening, emergency for your pet?  I’m sure it isn’t. Still you want to call me or your traditional vet because:
  1. it’s NOT normal.
  2. They could be quietly suffering; and
  3. the longer you wait, the harder the root cause issue is to fix.
The vast majority of my patients come to me BECAUSE of itchy skin. They have a traditional vet that they have already seen, most likely multiple times, about the itching situation.  Many have already been prescribed medicine to help with the itching…

And here’s the thing:

It works for a while.

If it KEPT working, if the medicinal route solved the itching for good, they never would have found me. But over time, most medicinal solutions loose their effectiveness…

and the itching comes back. 

As a holistic veterinarian, I don’t just medicate the symptoms (using medications that produce other symptoms.)  I look for and treat the root cause of the itching.

If you’re little baby is itching or licking or scratching… call or email me at to set up a time to talk.


Still proudly seeing pets in Clearwater and Tampa and seeing virtual appointments all over the world.

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